July 25, 2016

Encampment at Sunset

Random-osity at Belle Grove, July 22

The Good: A covered pile of hay promises abundance for the coming months.

The Random: White tents spread across the fields of Belle Grove as participants prepare for the reenactment of the Battle of Bull Run. This Civil War battle actually took place 55 miles away, but this location at Cedar Creek Battlefield is one of the few still available for such large events.

The Fun: Camping out with horses! As I drove by the "Union camp," I smelled wood fires and food cooking. Yum! I recalled family camping trips and gathering around the fire.


  1. WIsh they had something like that in Calif. Must be so much fun! Thank you for sharing this event with SEASONS- want to check back about reaching this site - have you found another (hopefully better) solution? YOur post is much appreciated! Have a great week Linda:)

  2. Linda, you certainly live is a beautiful part of this country. Thanks for sharing and please stop back again.

  3. Trying to get on a pony this week, but everyone is busy.

  4. You are surrounded by such beauty. How fortunate!

  5. Your second shot is very dramatic!

  6. Your photos and the words you've written about them are great! Thanks so much for stopping by Portland Oregon Daily Photo and commenting. I understand every word you said about how heights make you feel.

  7. Hi,
    Beautiful shots. Love the sky photo, beautiful. Have a great day!

  8. Isn't it great how our sense of smell can call up such wonderful memories. Pretty sky shot!

  9. You captured the gorgeous skies well, complementing the foreground subjects. I love the distant shot of the encampment, as it gives a sense of being there, waiting, as thousands of troops gather for battle. My sisters are active in the Society For Creative Anachronism, reenacting the middle ages, and they have the same challenge finding appropriate sites for any gathering, let alone large ones, here in California.


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