January 4, 2016

Rocktown Random-osity

Rocktown was an early name for Harrisonburg, Virginia, and it persists as a nickname. The city is the county seat for Rockingham County. Today we look at three pictures from Main Street using the Random-osity format.

Mural of guitar player

The Good: I'm a fan of artwork in public spaces and this mural overlooks a parking lot. I believe it's associated with a nearby restaurant, perhaps Ruby's, but I was not able to find anything about it online.

The Random: This bicycle shop is next door to the mural and sits at the back of the parking lot.

The Fun: The Discovery Museum is a place for children to explore and learn. I would have enjoyed this as a kid.

Sharing with Monday Murals


  1. Cool murals!
    Thanks for linking up!

  2. Great choices for each category. I really like the mural!

  3. This mural makes me want to find a music venue presenting acoustic music. Thanks for contributing to this week's Monday Mural.

  4. I do like that Mural and I think museums like that are a lot of fun.


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