August 12, 2015

Do Not Feed the Bear

stuffed bearThis character in Shenandoah National Park has a request (and good advice):

"Do not feed me, or get too close to any of my bear friends."

Sharing with Signs, Signs


  1. I find it amazing that you need signs for this.

  2. We don't feed the bears that visit our house and our dog is rather rude about chasing them off. We wish they wouldn't visit. We also wish RJ wouldn't chase them off as the bears may object to this.

  3. I'm with Halcyon. I remember Bill Bryson saying that bears had a liking for Snickers bars?!

  4. I love seeing the bears in Shenandoah, but I would not feed them or get too close. Cute bear, have a great day!

  5. This sign is for people that are not as smart as the bears.

  6. It amazes me that people think wild animals need to be fed by them.

  7. A cute way to get the message across.

  8. I always worry that those who need to heed this message won't bother to read it.

  9. It is a good way to get the message across. I also think we as humans shouldn't go eating in their patch- many people pick wild blueberries, for instance, which are a staple of their diet this time of year.

  10. One day, when we lived on our hundred acre place, I heard something outside. I turned on the back porch light opened the door and holy cow a big black Bear . I think I scared him as much as he scared me.

  11. Cute! Tom The Backroads Traveller

  12. That's a cute reminder. Sadly many don't heed those warnings and pay the price.


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