August 13, 2015

Simpson's Landing

Today I found a new spot for accessing the Shenandoah River! I saw a sign on Rivermont Road to Simpson's Landing Boat Access Facility. It's in a historic area; near McCoy's Ford (where Turner Ashby's cavalry crossed the South Fork in 1862 on his way to attack Buckton Station) and the Thunderbird Paleoindian Site.

This sign caught my eye for a different reason, although most of my readers won't remember the movie called Thunder Road. Yes, there were songs by that name too, none of which had anything to do with this site, though. Anyway, you bear left off Thunder Road onto Downing Farm Road, and then make another left at the entrance to Thunderbird Farms to reach Simpson's Landing.

The boat ramp is steep so you wouldn't want to haul up a very heavy boat. A canoe would be fine. The combined stairway/ramp was built in 2014.

The water looked clear and fairly shallow, although it can get deep (and even dangerous) after a rain storm.

I saw some folks tubing on the river, a common site in the summer.

Sadly, another common sight on the South Fork is a sign warning that the fish contain mercury. This is the result of pollution by a Dupont plant that happened over 60 years ago. It's safe to swim in the river but silt and the fish are still contaminated.

My final picture shows a handsome rail fence on the property, my contribution to Good Fences this week.  I'm also sharing this post with Look Up, Look Down.


  1. interesting ramp! i like the fence at the end. :)

  2. That's quite the boat ramp. I loved the leading lines you captured in that one shot. - Also the fence at the end is very nice. This looks like a great place to enjoy nature. Sad about the fish though.

  3. That is a really steep boat ramp. I sure wouldn't be able to haul about up it. I don't think my husband would be able to either.

  4. I'm going to have to check this out!

  5. Another spot my husband and I must take a look at when we are out on our trips in Va. Very sad after 60 years there is still contamination - betsy

  6. Lovely shots of the river! It is a shame about the polluted water and the fish! That boat ramp looks very steep. Great photos! Happy Friday, have a great weekend!

  7. The boat ramp is very unusual to my eyes.

  8. Looks like a lovely place although that boat ramp is very steep.

  9. Beautiful views of the river.

  10. Wow. That is just awful the fish are still contaminated after all that time.

  11. Love the fence, love the scenery, hate that industry polluted those waters apparently without any punishment (to. DuPont=.

  12. Beautiful photo's, that first one is stunning.

    All the best Jan

  13. I like the visual design of that ramp. But you're right, it wouldn't be good for a heavy boat!


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