April 6, 2015

Good, Random, and Fun in Berryville

Berryville, VA

The Good: An apple a day is said to be good for you. Imagine if it were an apple this big!

giant apple

The Random: A building beside the railroad crossing.

The Fun: An arts center for concerts and other events.

This cultural center is housed in remodeled dairy barns. They were part of a large farm named Rose Hill.

Sharing with The Barn Collective


  1. The barn, old mill and the apple...sweet! Tom The Backroads Traveller

  2. The big apple is cool. I like the last shot of the center. Have a great day!

  3. Like the re-used barns! And I laughed when I saw the apple. There's a big apple up here in the town of Meaford, bigger than that one, because it's used as a tourist info booth.

  4. Imagine the pie you could make with that apple!

  5. That huge apple is pretty neat. I like the way the barn has been remodeled. It's a very handsome building.

  6. The arts center really appeals to me.

  7. I would be so bloated if apples are as big as that...lol. I eat at least an apple or two a day. I have to keep up with my fruit intake.

  8. LOL if it was an apple that big, I would not be able to leave the house. I would be on the throne.

  9. What a neat way to put that barn to use. That is one big apple!


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