April 23, 2015

Garden Week is Glorious!

bright tulips

garden gateIt's Historic Garden Week in Virginia and tours are going on through Saturday. We enjoyed the Leesburg tours on Monday and the Warrenton tours today. In fact, they were fantastic!

Warrenton features some of the grandest homes I've ever seen, and as for the gardens, I took hundreds of photos and I'll have to edit them down to a manageable number of favorites to share. There was a threat of rain today but we only got a few drops, so I can't complain about the weather.

The tours are not cheap but you get a memorable and unique experience. Many of these homes and gardens are not open to the public at other times. And if you live in the area you already know how delightful springtime is in Virginia!

Sharing with Today's Flowers


  1. Lovely shots! The flowers, gate and the home is just gorgeous.. Thanks for sharing your visit.. Happy Thursday!

  2. I would love to do a tour like this Linda.. Made me think I should find out if there's one here in Perth.

  3. Quite an opportunity to get out and about. Beautiful shots!

  4. Gorgeous gardens and house!

  5. Oh I would take a tour for sure. I love grand old homes like that. Awesome gate with the turkey on top.

  6. Those gardens very pretty but I can tell you, I'm ready for some warm weather and get my own garden growing.


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