March 22, 2015

Return to Wayfarers Chapel

Frank's favorite place in California is Wayfarers Chapel. Situated on a bluff on the Palos Verdes Peninsula, this inspiring building is an extremely popular spot for weddings. I've posted photos of it previously.

Sharing with Inspired Sunday

Swedenborg (1688-1772) was a Swedish philosopher, scientist and theologian. 


  1. i can see why it's popular and a favorite, too!

  2. How nice! Great way to be closer to God. Tom The Backroads Traveller

  3. very cool. i love it. outdoors. ( :

  4. Very inviting and alive with shadows and light!

  5. I really like the style. Beautiful shots!

  6. Inviting and perfect for serious contemplation♪

  7. I can see why it would be so popular for weddings, it is beautiful

  8. This is a beautiful chapel. It reminds me of Anthony Chapel in Hot Springs, Arkansas.


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