February 14, 2015

Stalking Cat

Mosby is a feral cat but he comes through our yard every day. Since winter has robbed our grass of it's color, the first image was just about monochromatic so I went ahead and made it look like a sepia print.

I'm including a slightly different picture so that you can see that the ducks and geese aren't perturbed by him. That image benefits by having color so that your eye is drawn to the duck in the water.


  1. I had a cat that looked just like him! Personality plus, he was.

  2. He's a pretty cat, especially for a feral one.

  3. He is gorgeous! Definitely on a mission, though. The little furry ones better take cover!

  4. He is a cute kitty and I see the ducks. They do not seem bothered by the cat.. Thank you so much for linking up and sharing your post.. Have a happy day!

  5. He is indeed a handsome boy.

  6. He's a pretty sleek looking cat for a feral one!

  7. Love the sepia treatment! Glad the ducks & geese aren't too concerned.


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