February 14, 2015

Red Cardinal (and a Friend)

Junco and Northern Cardinal

Cardinals don't seem to like clinging to wire-style feeders but they sometimes manage to do it long enough to grab a few morsels.

This brilliantly red bird seems to fit in with Valentine's Day, and I can share him with The Bird D'Pot and Camera Critters.

We celebrated Valentine's Day with a mid-afternoon lunch at Outback Steakhouse. That way we avoided the heaviest crowds and, as a bonus, got home before the winds got really strong. It was snowing by the time we got home, but not too heavily. Right now the winds sound ferocious, and I hope our electricity stays on because it's very cold outside!


  1. Great pics, especially your last one!

  2. Is it just me, or do the birds in photo 1 appear to be lookouts for a seed heist?

  3. Love those bright red feathers. Glad you got home okay. It is 16 degrees F here and it is really windy.

  4. So handsome! Is is just me or do they seem a brighter red than usual?

  5. I love the cardinal. He's so beautiful.

  6. So so very colorful!! Delightful images.

    Once again, thanks for taking time to add your link to share your birding post at I'd Rather B Birdin'!!!

  7. Pretty shots of the Cardinal. They are a perfect bird for Valentine's Day. Happy Sunday!

  8. Beautiful cardinal! The winds are crazy here, too. Hopefully we both keep electricity.

  9. I love the bright red of cardinals.

  10. That bright red cardinal is a perfect image for Valentine's Day. It's bitterly cold down here as well. Stay warm.

  11. Love the Cardinals... I love them especially in a drab winter!!!!! SO colorful...

    Sounds like you had a perfect Valentine's Dinner... We did too.

  12. Cardinals are so pretty and sometimes the only color I see on a snowy day.

  13. This cardinal looks quite inquisitive!

  14. Beautiful shots! Cardinals were at my feeders today as well.

  15. Really lovely photos! You are so right about the cardinal being the perfect bird for Valentine's Day!

  16. He is especially nice, Linda! A nice bright red for St Valentine's Day!


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