February 11, 2015

Barn at the Mint House


  1. pretty pond, nice barn, great trees and fence line. :)

  2. (i had read that aol and yahoo had implemented their dmarc policies last april, but until the past week or so, i still always got your emails delivered to gmail. now i don't get them except on the blog itself. grrr...)

    1. Considering that you get a hundred or so comments a day, having to look them up may waste a lot of time!

  3. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  4. Thanks for you note on my blog about the events posted by Tex, Linda. I had switched back and forth between my Gmail account and my ISP's emailer which also happens to be generated by Gmail. The ISP has not given me the Yahoo and AOL (yours among them) notices since I started using them over a year ago. Gmail, when I'd switch over there was giving me notification. I went back to the ISP one recently so I don't know if the same thing would now be happening to me on the Gmail server but I have no reason to believe otherwise. I just don't know what too them this long to catch up in this not so positive way.

  5. Lovely scene.
    Thank you for sharing at http://image-in-ing.blogspot.com/2015/02/tijuana-sunrise-bottoms-up.html

  6. Pretty view of the pond and barn! Great shot.. Have a happy Thursday!

  7. The perfect scene. Grasses, pond, fence, barn, sky . . . Thanks for linking up this week!

  8. What a pretty view!

  9. Love this quintessentially American sight!

  10. A great running fence. Why 'mint' house?

    1. I don't know why it's called the Mint House. It dates back to 1842.

  11. I like the reflection on the water.


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