March 8, 2014

The Largest Woodpecker to Visit Our Yard

A pileated woodpecker stayed on the suet feeder long enough for me to get a picture. I used the zoom feature from inside a window. These handsome birds tend to be shy.

The striped background is the product of shadows cast on the snow by a fence.

See a previous post about the pileated woodpecker.

Linking to: Saturday Critters


  1. Great shot Linda, I don't think I have ever had one of these in my backyard and have only ever seen it one time in a wood we were walking through.

  2. Terrific shot of him, Linda. I've heard them more than I've seen them, though a few days back I spotted one at work on a tree here in the city.

  3. Great photo and beautiful photo model:) Greetings

  4. Awesome visitor. Great shot!

  5. Linda, awesome shot of the Pileated at your feeder. Cool visitor! Thank you so much for linking up with Saturday's Critters..Have a happy day!

  6. Oh be still my heart. I would so love being able to see one of these myself!!

    Beautiful capture.

  7. He looks big enough to eat all the bird feed before the little guys get a chance. I don't have bird feeders because I have cats. That would make it a fun game for the cats. Less fun for the birds.

  8. Wonderful Woodpecker - love his vibrant red hat!
    Wren x

  9. Que lindo pica-pau, ficou boa a foto! boa semana bj

  10. Great shot of the woodpecker.

  11. It's shots like these that me jealous of those who can have birdfeeders. Very nice.

  12. I've never seen one up close in real life, love the red & the capture!

  13. Great picture! It always surprises me how big they are.

  14. Wonderful capture, Linda. I have yet to see one of these beauties. I've heard them but just never spotted them. Beautiful!

  15. Wow, how lucky! I'm so jealous, I haven't seen this yet. Happy for you.


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