December 14, 2013

Geese on Ice

It's been so cold that the lakes in our neighborhood are pretty much frozen over. The geese don't seem to mind.


  1. Geese are a hearty bunch. As long as the find just a bit of open water, they stick around. Fun shots.

  2. I see some of my countrybirds among the mix. Can't stand the cold here, so they scamper south as fast as they can...

  3. William, some of your countrybirds stay here year round. People feed them for one thing. And some of them form family units with gray geese, and you know they are very devoted to their families.

  4. I didn't know they associated with gray geese in that fashion... I'm used to seeing them share the same space in a generally cooperative way with ducks here...

  5. I'm glad it's not quite that cold here in Tennessee, although you did get good pictures of the geese on ice.

  6. Amazing how these geese don't seem to be impacted too much by the extreme cold weather!


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