May 1, 2013

Wood Turner

I saw this at the Redbud Festival in Browntown. The lathe was foot-powered and made by the craftsman.

This is my City Daily Photo Theme Picture: Creative Artisan.

Start the video to see the action — it's only 30 seconds long.


  1. I wish my Hubs could do woodworking like that. I would have him busy building me lots of things I want.

  2. Hey, that is really interesting. good post. MB

  3. he's got great balance and coordination! wow!

  4. Oh would I love to visit that stall. Wonderful video to accompany your photos.

  5. Nice. I got a lecture about this type of lathe at the Viking festival last year. Very interesting it was.

  6. The talent of someone like this is amazing. I would be hard-pressed to work the lathe, let alone create something beautiful as well.

  7. Now THAT is skill! Very interesting post, thank you for finding the video - that was cool to see how he operates the lathe.

  8. Buck, I took the video because I thought it was remarkable and I'd never be able to explain it adequately. My little old Coolpix does video as well as still pictures.


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