March 5, 2013

Squirrel on the Steps

eastern gray squirrel

grey squirrel

eastern grey squirrel
This handsome fellow was curious about our deck. I don't encourage him to come up there because it upsets the dogs! But sometimes he comes up anyway, at least until a dog sees him through the glass door and starts barking.

Note the little stripe he has by his nose. It looks like a big mustache!


  1. he's really beautiful! looks very healthy!

  2. What a little beauty. Your barking dogs are just doing their job of guarding you... something they can feel proud of. :)

  3. I want one!!!! but don't think my four legged boys would approve...

  4. Wonderful photos, I like that squirrel. Very pretty. Excellent! Greetings.

  5. Wow! Lovely captures!
    Thanks for sharing!

    Have a nice day****

  6. He's a very handsome fellow -- mustache and all.

  7. The stripe on his nose is so cute!


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