March 14, 2013

Red-Winged Blackbird

Recently some pretty blackbirds have joined the visitors to our feeders. Red-winged blackbirds are said to be one of the most abundant native birds in North America but I really haven't seen that many.


  1. How lucky you are to be able to attract these gorgeous creatures to your feeder....:)

  2. Whooo Hoooo that means spring is almost here. I hope anyway. We got snow again last night.

  3. What a pretty picture.

  4. you can surely have some of mine (hundreds over winter!)

  5. A sure sign that spring has arrived where I live :) I call them Army Generals, with their trumpet sounds and the bright badges on their wings. Great picture!

  6. We get quite a few red winged blackbirds during the summer.

  7. This is a great portrait of the Red-Winged Blackbird. I've never seen any around our feeders, but I would sure like to.

  8. A good shot of the red-wing!
    I actually saw one at my feeder today so they're coming back here too.

  9. Great shot! It's a pretty bird. We see them every once in a while here.

  10. I love redwinged blackbirds! Beautiful photo!


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