During the Civil War Moorefield changed hands several times. Mr. McMechen supported the Confederacy and left town when Union forces occupied the town and supposedly went to his cabin at Howard's Lick, which is now Lost River State Park. (Incidentally, his name appears in a history of Howard's Lick.)
The plaque on the wall gives us a brief history.
S. A. McMechen House
Built in 1853, this home was occupied by officers of both sides as the fortunes of war changed. McCausland was staying here when Gen. Averell attacked his troops camped at Goings Ford and Old Fields.
The Civil War Trails sign provides more details and tells us that:
Moorefield changed hands several times during the war as each side sought control of the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad, or advanced to or retreated from the Shenandoah Valley. Each army foraged for horses, cattle, sheep, hogs, wheat, corn, and dry goods in the countryside and in Moorefield. Confederate Gen. Fitzhugh Lee reported at the end of 1863 that few supplies could be found here.
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