Finally things came together for us on our recently-acquired investment houses. I guess the improving weather brought out potential renters. We got two applications for the lake house near Strasburg. We chose the best one and met the people; they will move in on March 15. As for my townhouse, an agent showed it before the painting and carpet were even done and (to my surprise considering the rough appearance of the house), her client liked it and submitted an application. He had good credit and references so I quickly accepted the application and now the house is leased.
It took two heating contractors to complete the furnace repairs, but Air Quality Systems out of Broadway finished the job successfully. By the end of the week,
Ron Anderson finished painting the interior of the townhome (and did an excellent job) and Dan from
Lowe's came today and installed carpet.
Carlson Plumbing came and fixed the leaking fixtures, plus we made a bunch of minor improvements.
Our other big news was buying three lakefront lots adjacent to the lake house.

First we closed on the 1-acre lot next to our property. It's wooded and brushy but it is waterfront and provides our lot with privacy plus the security of having extra land should we need it for a new well or septic field. Then we purchased two lots between that lot and the dam. Together they make a lot that should be buildable although they've never been perc-tested. We don't have plans for those lots yet but they should be a good investment.
The vertical picture shows the view from one of the lots.
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