| When we got ready for our Carolina trip, I took the hanging basket down from under the porch roof and moved it to where it could get some rain. I also filled the glass watering ball with water and plunged it back in the dirt. Fuschias are thirsty plants and will not survive more than a few days without water.
Fortunately, our area got rain while we were away so the plant did well. On the evening that we got home, I went out on the deck to add some water to the plant. |
With a rustle and a hop, something jumped out of the plant and disappeared into the darkness. Was it a bird? A mouse? A frog?
The next day I approached the plant cautiously to take a look. Out fluttered a bird who flew away. I peered into the plant.
Under the leaves was a nest filled with little eggs.
Sorry, I spelled the plant's name incorrectly. It is properly spelled fuchsia.