March 23, 2025

Blooming Colors

I always get excited when the first flowers of spring appear. I'm compelled to take pictures of them, although in a few weeks, I'll start taking them for granted.

All of these pictures are from my neighborhood.

The creeping fox that Lynn helped me plant has spread out nicely. I had to replace one bunch and tried to match the color, but they turned out more pink.

Hyacinths are also blooming.


  1. I feel the same way every Spring.

  2. For all of us, the first flowers are special. That surge of excitement on seeing them never weakens in intensity.

  3. The colors are so cheerful! It's true, we do take them for granted eventually! Enjoy them while they last.

  4. Beautiful flowers! Have a great day and happy week ahead.

  5. ...a flowery neighborhood!

  6. Love it when forsythia is allowed grow without overpruning.

  7. Each year there are small differences in what blooms where, and how.

  8. Beautiful Spring!! Thank you for sharing my old favorites . (I guarantee that if you spend a season or two down here in Florida you will never again take the early Spring flowers for granted! )


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