March 8, 2025

A Note and Charlie’s Day

With our country in turmoil, I try to quiet my mind by posting positive things. This evening I'm going to let Charlie tell you about his day, but first I would like to voice support for our nation’s veterans, many of whom are federal employees. It is a horrible injustice that they and other loyal government workers were let go under an ill-advised plan devised by Elon Musk, who isn't even from this country.

As promised, here’s Charlie!

<<We had a busy day today. We got in the car and drove to a dog park. I ate a hamburger on the way.

I ran around the dog park, but no other dogs came. Then I was ready to go. Mom said it was time to go to Petco to meet my teacher.>>

We met a lady, but I was really nervous. For the first half hour, I was shaking. The lady left for a minute and I saw that there was a gate so we were not in prison. Then I felt better and I ate some treats. The teacher did not show me anything new. She just talked to my mom and gave her some homework. 

Mom drove to Skyline Drive. We had to stop at the entrance and show the ranger a card. 

We drove up a really big hill. You can see a long way from up there.

We saw some deer. I knew what they were because we saw some the day before in Woodstock.

Now we’re tired so I’ll say good night!


  1. A great day out and the melting ice by the road is special

  2. Hello,
    I hope Charlie does well with the dog training.
    You both had a busy day. Cute photos of Charlie and the deer in Shenandoah NP. Thank you for linking up and sharing your critter post. Take care, have a great week ahead. PS, thank you for leaving me a comment.

  3. Elon Musk is going to single-handed oh ruin your country. And please don’t send him back to us!

  4. It sounds like Charlie had quite an adventurous day! Those deer photos are great.

  5. What lovely photos! You saw some very interesting things, Charlie. And the photos of YOU are lovely too - especially the one in black and white.


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