February 2, 2025

When My Mind’s a Mishmash

Thoughts go racing, colliding with each other.
Am I depressed? Is it the weight of news that seems to get worse and worse?
Is it the physical stuff: my knee, the toothache, vision problems?
And what the hell is wrong with people?

I shake it off. Over and over, I get up and do what has to be done in my little corner of the world. Not as well as I’d like, but I have to make allowances for temporary infirmities. Yet they’re a warning about long-term problems of old age. (Yikes.) Meanwhile, there are still things worth fighting for.

Okay. I should explain the first picture. I held my cell phone camera up to an empty bottle and pointed it at an ornament in the window. 

I can still share small delights like this early morning scene that I saw while walking the dog.

Here’s a collage that I made from some pictures I took in November and filtered in an app

Garden Affair / Mosaic

Oh, it cut off one of my favorite ones from that batch, so here’s another look.

You know, I’m not a big fan of New Year’s resolutions so I didn’t try to come up with any, but now, a month later, one came to me. I’m going to start asking for help, and not just from my daughter, but from other people. I need more help with my dog and with cleaning or organizing the house. Even if my knee is better in a week, I am way behind. Maybe making this as a statement will motivate me to call someone.

I think a lot of people feel overwhelmed right now. I wish I had answers. Keep breathing. Keep on truckin’.

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