February 20, 2025

Walking at 7A.M.

My dog wakes me up around daybreak. Sometimes he gets up a little earlier if there’s noise outside, but I try to get him to wait until there’s light outside before we take a walk. 

This was the sky at 7 o’clock Tuesday morning. Yesterday and today had very gray skies. It was also really cold! I always check the weather report before we go out so I know how much to bundle up. This morning the “feels like” temperature was 6°F. (-14.4°C). That’s so cold that Charlie hurried back to the house as soon as we were within sight of it. 


  1. Beautiful sky, and good for you (and Charlie) getting out there even in the extreme cold!

  2. Charlie looks adorable in the tie dye jacket.

  3. I like the colourful sweater Charlie is wearing

  4. A crisp, cold day is great for a walk.

  5. Pretty sky shot. It is super cold early in the morning, I try to wait later in the morning for the temps to go up before I take my dog out for a walk. Take care, have a great day and a happy weekend.

  6. That’s cold but I am impressed you took that walk. Charlie hurrying up as soon as he saw home made me smile. His multi colored coat looks lovely!

  7. I feel for the dogs who have to use outdoors' facilities and have their little paws get cold these days. At least Charlie wore his sweater!


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