February 7, 2025

High Water Again

Edinburg, VA

Yesterday I noticed that the mountain streams were bubbling out over their banks, so I was curious to see if the low-water bridges were closed. Yes, Chapman Landing Road was closed. The building in the picture is the historic “Inn at Narrow Passage.”

This is where the road is blocked by the rising waters of the North Fork. Compare it to the picture I showed on January 26. That snow melt contributed to the high water, and then we had rain and sleet this week.

I zoomed in on the bridge, which now looks like a raised line across the river. I find it interesting that we still have these antiquated bridges, but they are very expensive to replace.

Sharing with Water H2O Thursday

This morning, I read that both entrances to Seven Bends State Park are closed due to the bridges being flooded. The Virginia legislature is considering a plan to replace the Lupton Road bridge at the state park.  

All this water winds up in the Potomac River at Harpers Ferry, so I imagine there will be flooding downstream. 


  1. Oh my, more water power. It will find its way, won't it. Is the traffic that goes across the little low bridges enough that they (government of some sort) will build a road bridge?

    1. There isn’t a lot of traffic, but there are some wealthy people living across the river who might have some influence. And the state park is important to citizens so it should get a decent bridge.

  2. ...this would be early for these sight here!

  3. With all the snow melt you have, this flooding must happen every year. Does it interfere for very long? Have a great weekend.

  4. Water gives life and destroys it too.

  5. we are always amazed by the amount of low water crossings ...wondering how folks get around them in high waters ... to get home? maybe they have a 2nd home or place to enjoy while waters disappear. ( ;


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