January 13, 2025

We’re Getting Cabin Fever

Charlie and I are getting “cabin fever.” That’s the restlessness you get when you spend too much time indoors.  Between the snow and my sore knee, we’ve been deprived of outdoor adventures. 

The snow has been very pretty though.

My other complaint is that my car is still not fixed. It’s been at the dealership since before Christmas, and I can’t take Charlie for rides in the loaner car because they specifically said “No pets.” I understand their policy, but it means we couldn’t go to the dog park even before the snow.

Texts, Last Week and Today.

By the way, I did go to the doctor for the knee pain that I’ve had for several weeks. She said that it’s from a "Sprain of lateral collateral ligament of knee." It should be better in a few more weeks.

Meanwhile, I’m looking forward to spring. Here are some supermarket flowers.

Mosaic Monday / Garden Affair


  1. Perfect snow,
    too bad Charlie can't enjoy it!
    I'm also looking forward to Spring,
    I'm tired of winter!!

  2. Shame that Charlie can't be a snow dog! Hope all is well.
    Cheers - Stewart M - Melbourne

  3. ...cabin fever doesn't last forever!

  4. Hello,
    Cute Charlie photo. I know, cabin fever is not fun.
    We have had too many days of below freezing temps. I am ready for spring. The snow scene is pretty. Take care, have a wonderful day!

  5. For some people and dogs who are used to being outside as much as you all, of course you'd feel cabin fever in no time at all. Glad Dr. said knee is going to be ok soon.

  6. If ligament injury, it is best to hydrate and rest the knee for few weeks or months

    1. That sounds impossible to me. How about for a few hours?

  7. I didn't know about the term 'cabin fever' . The floral collage is beautiful. Thanks for being part of Garden Affair.

  8. I'm not a doctor, but it is my understanding, that a sprain like you have can take up to eight weeks to fully recover, depending on the grade of the injury.
    Treatment that can help include:-
    Rest and protecting the knee
    Ice or a cold pack.
    Wrapping your knee with an elastic bandage (compression).
    Propping up (elevating) your knee.
    Anti-inflammatory medicine.
    But obviously always take your own Doctor's or medical team advice.
    Hope it heals soon to enable you and Charlie to get out and about outside.

    All the best Jan

    PS I did like seeing the flowers, very colourful

    1. That’s pretty much what she recommended. Thanks for taking the time.

  9. This view... Oh, I love Charlie! Kisses for him. I'm also pleased to have another wonderful contribution for MosaicMonday.

    Many thanks for your participation, dear blog friend ... interesting to read! Greetings from Heidrun


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