January 5, 2025

The Quilt Museum at Silver Lake

The Virginia Quilt Museum has moved to the Dayton Mill, which is west of Harrisonburg, Virginia. I visited it several times when it was in Harrisonburg, so I was curious to see it in the historic mill.

Shadow Shot / Sunday Best / Mosaic

They only have use of two levels of the mill so they have less floor space than they did in Harrisonburg, but parking is easy, and the location is lovely.

For those who are wondering, there is an elevator so you can avoid climbing the stairs.

In addition to their historical collection, they have a revolving exhibit, often featuring contemporary work. If you are not familiar with art quilts, you might be surprised and how creative they are. I was there in November.

Silver Lake is an attraction in itself, a scenic lake in Mennonite farm country. 


  1. Museum looks beautiful, Amazing place.

  2. The mill is pretty, wonderful tour.
    Take care, enjoy your day and have a happy week!

  3. ...this looks like a great destination.

  4. Oh I'd love to visit that museum/mill. I love art quilts too!

  5. that is a gorgeous part of VA. enjoy our visits there when in that part. we haven't been to that mall in a long time. i know the Mennonites really are awesome folks (for crafts, shopping, foods, etc). they are never open when we are there, i think we find ourselves there usually on Sunday. LOL!! ( :

  6. This looks like a great new venue for the Quilt museum - lovely to join you for a wander, I love that quote.
    Happy New Year
    Wren x

  7. I enjoyed so very much. I love this historical tings. It's Thursday, my time to write comments. January starts with another round and I'm looking forward to a week of wonderful posts for MosaicMonday.

    Thank you for your participation, dear blog friend ... interesting to read!

    Greetings from Heidrun

  8. Wonderful shots of this special place. Thanks for taking part in the "My Sunday Best" meme.


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