January 19, 2025

The People’s March in Woodstock

Blog Post #8970

There was a local version of the People’s March yesterday. It was a fairly small gathering compared to the large march that took place in Washington DC, but it provided an opportunity for people who were not able to travel there. 

I stopped by and took a few pictures at the starting point. I felt a little embarrassed at letting my sprained knee prevent me from walking when I saw a woman who was using a walker.

Sharing with Mosaic Monday

This event was a more inclusive version of the Women’s March in 2017.  Here’s a picture that I made at the Shenandoah County courthouse then.


  1. It is inspiring to see the people with walkers and canes turn out for this People's March! Take care, have a great day!

  2. Good for them and to turn out in such iffy weather too, that’s impressive. A good roll model for us. I hope your sprained knee will feel better soon. I also hope your eyes are progressing in a good direction.

  3. ...a day to honor a true King and a wantabe king.

  4. Kudos to those people who are willing to march and show their resistance to the travesty in Washington. What a contrast between MLK Jr and the jerk about to rule your nation for at least four years.

  5. Oh that's wonderful. If there were any marches here, I've been out of touch, and the local news didn't mention them...which I could expect from now on probably.

  6. Making their voices heard! I applaud them.

  7. i enjoy the 1 where it looks like a comic ... black and white. whatever u might wish to call it. way cool!! different of what you normally see. hope 2025 is going well. January is flying by. can't get use to this weather. always on your toes. we had a bit of ice ... nothing snow related stuck around but it did fall here and there. take care. ( ;

  8. ah... an interesting commentary on the state of the nation indeed. Congratulations to those who marched. Even across the world we watch and wonder. Have a great week. I am joining you at Mosaic Monday.

  9. It's Wednesday, my time to write comments. January is progressing with another round and I'm looking forward to another week of wonderful posts for MosaicMonday.

    Yes, I agree... what shall I say. In this days I remember on my dearest friend Stan. He died in Corona and was against too! We often discuss. I valued his opinion and his humour. I miss him!
    Thank you so much for participating, dear blog friend.
    Greetings from Heidrun


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