January 11, 2025

Snowy Farms Plus Charlie’s Report

Today I took recycling items to the transfer point on Moose Road. (We don't have curbside recycling here.) The afternoon light was pretty so I drove down the road a little farther to get some pictures of farms in the snow. After I show you those, I’ll let Charlie tell you a little about his week.

Cows were gathered together. These were the only animals I saw other than a few birds.

By the way, my cell phone tends to make snow look too dark. I lightened all the snow pictures at least 10% in the Photos app because the automatic exposure is programmed to make the overall lightness a medium gray, which is not natural for snow. Often 50% lighter is needed, but beyond that is tricky in this app. If I were using Photoshop, I could make layers and selections and lighten only the snow. But this is quicker, which is important because my eyes are still getting strained easily.

Okay, let’s hear from Charlie the beagle.

Saturday Critters / Caturday

“Mom says snow is pretty, but it is too cold and it covers up interesting smells. I haven’t been walking far and usually I just want to get back in the house.”

After we walk past a few houses, there’s a place where the sidewalk has not been cleared and there’s too much snow. 

Last night, a little more snow came down and covered our clean sidewalk. There were some interesting tracks, which might have been from a bunny. I made tracks too.

The week has been kind of boring. We can’t go to the park because it’s cold, and also Mom still has a loaner car, which I am not supposed to ride in. She says her car will be fixed soon. I don’t like the car and that’s why I chewed the seatbelts, but I do like going to the park.

Sometimes we look at birds, but I only like to watch them when they’re moving. 

I’ve been taking extra naps and it’s time for another one.


  1. In snow, 2 + stops for exposure is required for proper exposure

  2. Your photos with the snow are beautiful,
    but so are the ones with the birds!!!
    Well done to you for going all the way to recycle!! Charlie looks happy!!


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