January 2, 2025

New Gadgets and a Tufted Titmouse

My new birdfeeder camera takes photos with a very wide angle, giving them a fisheye effect. Add to that the distractions of the background, and I decided to crop the pictures rather drastically. (The background will improve when Lynn and her friend come and remount the camera.)

Advantages of this little camera include it being motion-activated and mounted on a birdfeeder. It captured some cute close-ups of this tufted titmouse.

In case you are wondering, the brand name of this item is Birdfy. I am still learning to use the app. 

After I cropped and then tried to edit down the distortion of the wide-angle lens, the images lost some of their sharpness. I find them amusing though. 

The third image is a photo taken the regular way. Fortunately, the tufted titmouse is not as shy as some birds, and does not fly off every time I move. I used my old Nikon for this one and it has a telephoto lens.

I took advantage of another newly-acquired item to get this image onto my iPad. It’s a camera card reader that has a connector that works with iPads and iPhones. Normally, I transfer SD cards to my laptop, but I have found it hard to use since having problems with my eyes. An advantage of the iPad is that I can easily move it closer so I don’t have to strain my eyes as much. Even with that they get tired quickly. I should probably rest my eyes a lot more. It’s hard to change old habits.


  1. I have a Bird Buddy in Connecticut, which does much the same thing. I like the fact that I can sit in Florida and see on my iPhone which birds are visiting it up north.

  2. Nice to see your birds. I am thinking of buying another one of these bird cameras and placing it on the ground. My other one was destroyed by climbing raccoons and squirrels. If I put it on the ground, they might not need to yank it off the trellis. My sister-in-law has done this to hers. I am waiting to see if she has any problems before purchasing something new. I really loved it for the time it was up.

  3. Great photos from your feeder camera!
    Take care, Happy Friday! Have a great weekend.

  4. Great coverage of the Tufted Titmouse. I know of a few people who have installed these feeder cameras and no one seems to have it quite down pat!

  5. Loved seeing Mr. Titmouse. Good catches, and I look forward to more visiting critters, either with the new outfit or your trusty Nikon!

  6. Great photographs here.
    Sending good wishes for 2025.

    All the best Jan

  7. Totally jealous of your camera. Lots better pics than what I get with a trail cam focused on the feeder.

  8. I’ve never tried a birdfeeder camera, but that tufted titmouse is so cute. Almost like he was posing for you. Alana ramblinwitham.blogspot.com


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