December 22, 2024

Short Days, Shiny Things

The short days of winter can be distressing. I like sunshine, and I want to have time to enjoy the outdoors. 

Thank goodness for holiday lights and colorful decorations!

Christmas trees at Bits o’Moon and Dunkin’

A photography group recently ran a theme on things that are shiny. I didn’t have to look far.

Sharing with Mosaic Monday

Well, we have made it through our shortest day of the year. Now it’s time to wrap my Christmas presents.


  1. winter, sunshine is in short supply along the Great Lakes.

  2. Sunshine in winter is a real balm. And a cool wind in an Australian summer can be just as good!

    Wishing you a happy Christmas / Holliday and Great New Year. SM - Melbourne

  3. Hello,
    Wonderful photos, the first and last are my favorites.
    Wishing you and your family a very Merry Christmas!

  4. The short days don’t bother me unduly, and this year we have a good amount of sunshine.

  5. i enjoy the glow over the neighbor ... we have had some awesome sunsets / sunrises lately ... the pink comes in there and just makes it absolutely amazingly gorgeous. wow!! can you believe it is Christmas this week. it has just flew by. i can't get over it. how quick. i always say i am gonna start earlier and it is not to get it over quicker ...but to feel more in the know and feel it all. i love all the ole' Christmas movies ... feeling the music and being in the spirit and mood. ( ;

  6. I love this time of year. Since I am retired I don't mind the early darkness.

  7. Beautiful post and pics, Last pic just awesome.
    Merry Christmas to you and your family.

  8. So glad you're working in a timely manner for wrapping those presents...and I enjoyed all your photos today!

  9. Hmm, shiny things you say. That would be a challenge. Although, as I look around, I do see some shiny wrappings and ornaments.

  10. You did great on the silver theme and I enjoyed the other photos too. Merry Christmas and a Very Happy New Year to you all.

  11. December 2024

    Outside the door, the stormy winds have calmed down, but it‘s still cold ... how cozy I sit here at the PC and write comments.
    The holidays are almost over. We have been looking forward to Christmas for so long with lots of preparations, crafting, writing cards, decorating the house and of course the obligatory baking and cooking of cookies. Now we are looking forward to the new year. What will 2025 bring?

    Thank you so much for this wonderful post on

    Hugs from Heidrun, I wish you a pleasant time


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