December 14, 2024

Charlie’s Mid-December Day

Hi, it's Charlie! There were some things going on today, so I'll tell you what we did.

Mom took me to Tractor Supply this morning. There was a special set-up, and some people from the Humane Society welcomed us. The ladies were very nice, but I wasn’t too sure about the man because he had strange clothes. One of the ladies took pictures.

We got out of there and drove to Mr. Frank’s house and picked up him and Miss Deborah. We went to Strasburg to see some houses. I did not go inside but took turns staying in the car with Mom and Miss Deborah. I like sitting with her because she is nice and I don’t feel so worried about riding in the car. 

We went to a place called Deer Rapids, and I liked that there were some animals. They looked like short horses with long ears.

Mom took pictures as usual. Some friends posed for her at the barn.

Then we went to the dog park, but we didn’t stay long because it was cold and there were no dogs to play with anyway.

It was a pretty good day and I was a very good boy.


  1. Linda and Charlie, it looks like you had a wonderful time! I really love the photo with Santa Claus!

  2. It looks like you had a splendid time! What wonderful pictures. Charlie, has anyone ever told you what beautiful eyes you have?


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