November 7, 2024

Skywatch, 6:15 AM

Although we went back on Standard Time on Sunday, I’m usually awakened before daybreak because Charlie hears truck sounds and gets up. He whines to go out for a walk. I try to make him wait until there's a little light in the sky, when possible. 

If it’s still totally dark, we only walk up to the last streetlight on the block and then come back. If there’s enough light to see what’s ahead of us, I will walk farther. I worry about things like coyotes and even rabbits. Charlie is a rabbit-chasing dog so I don’t want to encounter one.

Yesterday morning I checked the news before going outside. I was almost sickened by the election results! But then I realized there’s something even more important, and that is the dramatic changes in climate that we are already seeing. Stronger hurricanes, disastrous floods, drought-fueled wildfires… and even in my own lovely valley, crop yields have been lower, and there are water shortages. 

I don’t know how long civilization can thrive as weather worsens. More people will be forced to struggle for food and shelter. More animals will die. We have to fight this! We could even become migrants if our own habitat becomes unlivable. We could be the ones who are not allowed to settle in another place. Then what?

Don’t waste your energy on hating or regretting. We have work to do. Even those of us who are too old to put long hours into this battle can offer support and ideas. We can have a tree planted, fill a bird bath, join organizations, and make thoughtful choices. 

Then there’s education. Wow, there’s a lot to be done there! Lately I’ve been shaking my head at how stupid people sound on the Internet. They don’t know the difference between propaganda and news, or myths and history, or real photos and fake ones. Okay, that last item is really difficult. Seek out articles on AI.

I don’t mean to preach. You already know what to do. Thanks for being here.


  1. Lovely sky captures! We still need more rain here, it has been too dry. Take care, have a great day and a happy weekend.

  2. Politicians will come and go (wreaking havoc along the way), but the climate has been changed for thousands of years, perhaps millions of years. And we just keep making it worse. The planet is gradually becoming hostile to life.

  3. ...I'm up at 6:15, but not out!

  4. Yes. I'm sure on the climate change train...and just publishing any good news I find, but unfortunately finding just as much bad news these days. Good thinking about us becoming migrants from climate change...much as western North Carolina has surprisingly become...expecting the first FEMA trailers to arrive this week to re-house those who were flooded out by Hurricane Helene.

  5. I wish I could enjoy our unseasonable fall, but climate change is certainly in the back of my mind. They just took us out of a red flag fire zone, but still the worry is there. I completely agree with your post. Alana

  6. It’s clear that you're reflecting on some important, deep issues, and I really appreciate how you're combining personal observations with the larger global challenges we all face. Your morning walks with Charlie, while simple, offer a reminder of how small, daily moments can still hold significance amid bigger concerns like climate change and the state of the world.

    It’s encouraging to see that you’re emphasizing positive action, even in small ways. Sometimes it’s easy to feel overwhelmed by the scale of the issues at hand, but your reminder to stay active, whether through planting trees, supporting causes, or staying informed, is empowering.

    You're absolutely right—there’s so much work to be done, and everyone has a part to play, no matter their age. Thank you for sharing these thoughts. Let's all take that inspiration and use it to create the change we want to see!

    I just shared a blog, please let me know what you think:

  7. Great thoughts. I have so many people know who say stupid stuff like cold weather kills more people than hot weather. They also say humanity will adjust like we have done for years. And I saw, yeah, lots of those people trying to immigrate are from places where they have lost their farms and livlihood and so they are adjusting by moving here.

  8. I like your sky pictures.

    All the best Jan

  9. Well said. Your sky is beautiful. Thanks for sharing.

  10. A lot of things worth thinking about more deeply.

    Worth a Thousand Words

  11. Amazing skies, Great to read your post.
    Thanks for sharing.

  12. “Don’t waste your energy on hating or regretting.” Very wise words Linda and a very thought provoking post. Thank you!


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