October 18, 2024

Pinnacles and Jewell Hollow Overlook

Shenandoah National Park

Today I’m continuing my picture story of my first fall foliage trip of the season. I entered Skyline Drive at Thornton Gap and drove south to the highest point of the drive at Skyland. I’m doing several posts on this short journey because I took so many pictures, and my eyes still tire easily when I’m working on the computer.

Pinnacles is the name of both an overlook and a picnic area. They’re a mile and a half apart, and between the two is the spectacular Jewell Hollow Overlook. 


I like to drive through the park’s picnic areas even when I don’t have a picnic because there’s a chance of seeing wildlife. I didn’t see any large animals this time, but I did walk around and take a few pictures.

Here is a preview of my visit to Skyland: a reflection in the restaurant window.

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