October 7, 2024

Hazel Lou, Lee, and Eleanor

This is an old photo from the family albums that my sister brought me. When I volunteered to take them, I was thinking it was just a few albums, but it turned out to be two boxes of albums, photos and books. I plan to examine them gradually.

This is a photo of my mother as a child on vacation in Colorado, visiting her cousin’s family. My mom is the child on the right. She’s on a lower step which makes her look much shorter than her cousin, who was only three years older.

On the back of the photo is a description.

“Lee, Eleanor and Hazel Lou in the doorway of Summit-Lake shelter house. I left my coat in the car, so Lee gave me his when I needed one!”

Lee is Hazel Lou’s father and his full name was Lucius Edwin Humphrey. He was a newspaper editor in Denver. He married my mother’s aunt in 1916.
I looked up Summit Lake and found that it is the only Denver Mountain Park in the alpine zone and is a great place to see mountain goats.


  1. That is such a treasure and you are going to have so much fun and while away many hours going through all those old photos. I think it's really exciting, have fun!

  2. I wish I had know about Summit Lake when I visited Colorado several years ago.

  3. How wonderful to have a picture of your mom when she's young.

  4. How wonderful to see photos of your mother as a young girl, and extra special to have this personal inscription on the back. I know you are going to have fun looking through those boxes. Thanks also for visiting and leaving the link to your murals. I enjoyed them very much, also your presentation of them.


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