October 23, 2024

Fantasy Birds and Real Vultures

The first three pictures are from a colorful painting that I bought in June. 

Today’s final picture is one that I shared a few years ago. These are vultures taking off, recorded by my trail cam.  I’m bringing it back because Halloween is only a week away and I think they look creepy here, although vultures are beneficial birds.

Wild Bird Wednesday


  1. The painting strokes are so punchy

  2. Like all other species vultures are just filling their role in the ecosystem. Beneficial? By whose standards? Do we classify sparrows as beneficial because they consume insects? Chairman Mao labelled them as “Enemy of the People” and instructed citizens to destroy them. It’s time we stopped measuring the qualities of other organisms by human-centred values.

  3. The painting looks pretty. A great capture of the vultures. Take care, have a great day!

  4. Well, sorry to not see the whole painting. It looks very interesting and busy by these details. Yep, that take off gives the birds a bit of a scary aspect!


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