October 5, 2024

Charlie’s Update, Early October

Hi! I thought I’d show you a picture of me driving the car, except it’s not really me. I’m not as afraid of the car as I used to be. I’m still a little bit nervous, but I do like to look out and see interesting things.

Today’s pictures are mostly dogs and cats, but I thought I’d start with some farm animals. The next one is a dog that I saw at the place where I sometimes stay during the day when Mom has appointments. I’ve had a couple of appointments myself and I didn’t like them much.

This morning we went for a walk in the fog. When we came back, Tripod was waiting in the road and said Meow. 

Caturday / Critters 

One day we went to Petco because that’s something we can do when it’s raining. We saw this kitten in a cage with a window. Mom said it’s a rescue, which I think is something special because she said that I was a rescue. 

My friend Ryleigh likes to watch for squirrels in the dog park. We used to race a lot when we were puppies, but now she is more demure.

And here I am in the dog park, standing on the bench.

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