September 16, 2024

Swimming on the Ceiling

Last year when I sought out the Fairfax Stone, I made a stop in Thomas, West Virginia. I went into a gallery that had an incredible ceiling mural, but I did not get around to posting pictures for you until now.

Mosaic Monday / Murals 

The entire shop is artfully decorated. West Virginia is full of surprises.


  1. The mural is cool, looks like a great shop to explore.
    Take care, enjoy your day and the week ahead.

  2. I have travelled though West Virginia, but as best I remember never set foot there.

  3. The decor of the gallery makes it a work of art also, very inviting. Loved the mural.

  4. That's an impressive mural on the ceiling of the gallery. It couldn't have been easy to paint. Thanks for participating in Monday Murals Linda.

  5. That mural is amazing.

    All the best Jan

  6. That looks like a fun place to visit, what a great find!

  7. What a great mural! A great looking place to go to also.


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