September 24, 2024

September 24 is My Mother’s Birthday

My mother was born in 1920 and lived to be 82. Recently I acquired additional family photos that my sister brought, and these are among them. The first is a portrait from 1964. The others are from before my time.

She married my father, John M. Suiter, in September 1940. They had met at the University of Chicago.

Collage made with Photocollage.

I now have more family pictures than I know what to do with! I intend to copy many of them, and they have held up well. Black and white prints last a long time, although the glue in the albums tends to give way. 

Both my dad and my mother‘s father liked photography, so there is a wealth of photos. In fact, mother’s grandmother had a surprising number of professional portraits made, so I have inherited some of those. Unfortunately, they are not all identified.


  1. Kudos to her for going to university. Women were still in the minority back then and even graduates with high marks in science had trouble finding jobs commensurate with their talent. They did, however, put the very first tiny cracks in the glass ceiling, and I hope that Kamala will smash it completely. Please tell me that the country will come to its senses and not re-elect a bumbling fool who cannot even compose a sentence, with a running mate who is pre-Neanderthal in his views.

  2. A lovely post and photos of your Mom.
    Take care, have a great day!

  3. What a sweet cameration for your mother. Isn't it always nice to find new photos from the past.

  4. A treasure trove! I am impressed your mother went to university. Great photos!


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