July 24, 2024

An Attempt at Drawing

It's been years since I tried to draw anything more than a doodle. Then nature blogger David G. reviewed a book on drawing, and I thought I should look into it. Our local library did not have it, so I checked out a book called Drawing Nature for the Absolute Beginner. I didn’t have drawing paper or proper pencils, so I put it off because procrastination is the one art that I am good at. 

Well, today I realized the book was due back at the library so I took a sheet of printer paper and an old pencil, and sat down to draw at least something. The pencil was not sharp, and I couldn’t locate a sharpener, so I whittled it with a knife. 

 I tried to copy three birds. They came out looking cartoonish, but that’s okay. I started drawing the heron too low on the page so I added water for him to stand in. The robin does not look like a robin so I’ll pretend it’s some other bird.

I’m adding a pencil sharpener to the grocery list that I keep on my phone.


  1. I think it's great that you gave it a try before returning the book. And I like how you added the water for the heron!

  2. A great start, Linda. Keep it up and your skills will improve exponentially.

  3. I think your drawings are great. Take care, have a great day!

  4. Thank you for being part at MM. I admire your drawings. They are wonderful. By the way... you have a nice daughter. I see at least her foto.

  5. You've taken a step into another creative realm...so great to see. (Since I'm pushing myself to even take a few photos at all) I do hope you continue, and I admit to thinking robins are among the most difficult birds to capture, even in photos. Try a cardinal, perhaps. The heron looks just right!

  6. The sketches look fantastic. Great work!


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