June 23, 2024

Yes, It’s Summer!

Today was hot, but there were clouds and an occasional breeze, so it was not as bad as yesterday.

Farm near Woodstock, VA

This evening our electric power went out. It was out for thousands of customers. Fortunately, the power was restored within an hour, so my house did not get very hot. I have a rechargeable electric fan that lights up, and that provided enough of a breeze to keep me comfortable.

Hot weather puts strain on the electrical grid. We all need to be prepared for outages in the summer, just like we would be during hurricane season.


  1. We have just had the coldest run of days in a number of years - we had two frosts in a row! You can see from that that it does not get that cold here!
    Cheers - Stewart M - Melbourne

  2. Linda, we are also very hot here in Greece.
    Last night it rained a bit and cooled down.
    Have a nice week!!

  3. A stark contrast of heaven and earth

  4. If we skipped summer I would be quite happy!

  5. ...beautiful BIG blue sky.

  6. Glad you have the off-grid fan as back-up. Enjoy summertime!

  7. Here in Malaysia, we're accustomed to constant heat, fortunately without frequent power disruptions. It's great that you have the rechargeable fan for backup. Enjoy the summer!


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