June 30, 2024

Wading in the River

Strasburg, VA

 On Thursday, I took Charlie to the Strasburg Town Park, and after he ran around in the dog park, I drove down to the river to see what was going on. It was a hot afternoon, so people were wading in the water. The water level was pretty low because we haven’t had much rain lately.

The park also has a swimming pool and it gets very busy. I think some people just like the experience of getting in the river.

North Fork, Shenandoah River 

For Charlie’s fans, here is a picture of him in the dog park. No other dogs were there so we only stayed about 20 minutes.


  1. ...a cool summer activity.

  2. That water looks pretty refreshing. I bet Charlie would have loved to join everyone!

  3. Cheerful lives of people on display

  4. Water conducts heat away from the body so a cooling experience on a hot day.

  5. Fun times in the river! Happy July! Have a great day and happy new week!

  6. Great place to cool off. If only for a while. A break in dealing with heat, and also revitalizing with good clean water flowing around your feet at least, and maybe when sitting in the river, all of you can get wet!


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