June 8, 2024

Leaving Charlie for an Art Tour

Yesterday I went on a studio tour in Loudoun County so I left Charlie in day boarding at the veterinary. He does not like me to leave him, and he knows that if he goes there, I will be gone for hours. He doesn't like staying at home alone either, and if it's for very long, he starts scratching the paint off the door.

We had to wait a little while for Miss Kayla to come get him, so he jumped up in his favorite chair.  He let everyone know that he was sad. He was fine after she took him back to the dog area, and he got to play and eat a bowl of food.

It took me an hour to reach the first stop. After that, I ate a snack next to a pond.

My main reason for journeying there was to visit Judith Thompson’s home studio. I bought something there last year, and I really like that her work is distinctive. Like many artists, she lives in a scenic spot.

So does this cat. I was warned not to pet him, although he rubbed against me. 

 I took pictures of him. I lightened one and then filtered it in the ArtCard app.

The artist and her husband also have a couple of dogs.

In the backyard are the sale pictures, marked down because she has too many paintings. I bought one of a woman with a dog.


  1. Inspired by the works of Judith Thompson.
    They look great!!
    Have a beautiful Sunday Linda!

  2. Hello,
    Cute photos of Charlie! The art work is cool. I like the painting you bought of the lady and her dog. Cute kitty and a pretty dog. The flowers are lovely. Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Take care, have a great week. PS, thank you for leaving me a comment.

  3. Perhaps Charlie will admire it when you hang it in your home and forgive you for leaving him behind.

  4. It looks like a most enjoyable tour. But poor Charlie - We hope he got some treats as compensation for being left behind!

  5. Beautiful pieces of art. Thank you for sharing them.

  6. Charlie would not have enjoyed that stop...but I loved seeing an artist's home and works!

  7. Great photos and art. Poor Charlie, but good that he's well looked after at the boarding centre. I hate it when Mum leaves me alone.

  8. the hubs and i got to spend time today with 2 pit bulls ...they are such sweethearts ... really wanted my piece of homemade bread. critters are the best. have a super great week. take care. ( ;

  9. What fun art and what a sad sad face on Charlie! Oh my! lol

  10. Charlie is very expressive of his opinions!

  11. Love the grumpy cat and your new painting!


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