June 26, 2024

Bluejays and Standing Squirrel

Since I still have many unused images on my hard drive, I'm sharing from there again. The bluejay pictures are from June, 2022.

It's been a while since I showed you a squirrel, so here's one who looks alert. 

I'm still having problems with my vision so I'm keeping this post simple. My left eye is still blurry from having cataract surgery eight weeks ago, and that was my stronger eye, so eyestrain is a constant problem. I won't bore you with retelling how frustrated I am, except to say I wish I had delayed the surgery until I was half-blind. I go back to the doctor next week. 


  1. It is a rather nice capture of the birds

  2. It’s too bad that you are having so much trouble with your eyes after cataract surgery. For me it was exactly the opposite - instant success, instant improvement.

  3. ...I'm sorry to hear about your surgery.

  4. I do hope your Dr. will have some helpful answers for you. Liked seeing your old photos...they still look new now!

  5. Your doctor should tell you about your eye problem Linda!
    It is very difficult not to see well!!
    I hope all goes well and you get better as time goes by!
    The photos are very beautiful, such beautiful creatures!!


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