May 16, 2024

Springtime at Hogback Mountain Overlook

Shenandoah National Park

This is one of the longest overlooks on Skyline Drive, and it has spectacular views to the north and west.. I’ve taken pictures here many times.

I am still keeping my posts and comments short because vision in my left eye is still blurry and I get eye strain. Tomorrow will be two weeks since my cataract surgery and I am disappointed that vision is improving so slowly..


  1. Your vision may come slowly but you will see well in time.
    My mother who had cataract surgery years ago has very good vision.
    I really like these clouds that contrast with the green and create shadows.

  2. Beautiful landscape and cloudscapes

  3. Beautiful views. I hope yours eyes will improve soon.

  4. ...the views are spectacular.

  5. I spent at least a month as my eyes healed, with some non-corrected vision, waiting to then get new glasses. I now wear them all the time. I guess some folks have lenses that correct their vision implanted...but I didn't. All in all, it was a positive experience to have cataracts removed.

  6. This view is truly spectacular, dear Linda!
    I'm keeping my fingers crossed that your eyes will get better soon. I can understand that it makes you impatient - but after cataract surgery it can take a few days to weeks for your vision to fully recover.
    All the best, Traude

  7. That's an impressive view. Hoping your vision resolves soon.

  8. This is one of those great views I love when we got up there. Not sure where this is though. We don't go to all the overlooks when we do the Skyline Drive. I hope you'll see improvement very soon.

  9. Lovely photographs, the views are very impressive.
    I hope that you will soon see improvement following your cataract surgery.

    All the best Jan


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