May 4, 2024

Geese, Beagle, Sheep

Saturday Critters

Yesterday I had cataract surgery, and my daughter Lynn was my driver and general helper.  This morning she took me to the follow-up appointment in Winchester, and as we were leaving, we had to stop for a family of Canada geese that was crossing the road to the pond.

My surgery went okay but the left side of my face looks bruised. Vision in my left eye is still very blurry, but that will clear up.

Last week I took Charlie to Tractor Supply. He was not sure what to think of the beagle statue. 

Here is a picture of Charlie with a pastel filter from the Becasso app.

And Happy Birthday to Athena!

And here are some sheep. I saw lambs too, practically hidden by tall grass.


  1. Hello,
    Sending well wishes and a quick recovery for you and your eye. Charlie looks cute standing next to the beagle statue. The sheep are sweet, some are hidden in the grass. Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Take care, have a great day and a happy week ahead. PS, thank you for leaving me a comment.

  2. We wish you a speedy recovery from your cataract surgery. Was it done with lasers?
    That artified picture of Charlie is pawsome!

    1. I honestly don’t know if they use lasers. I didn’t see anything and didn’t hear much either.

  3. Soon you will have laser vision! Be patient.

  4. Charlie looks a little scared or intimidated of that statue. Hope your recovery goes well!

  5. Wishing you a speedy recovery from your cataract surgery. Thank you for the birthday wishes and mention. Those are great pics and love the Charlie art!

  6. Those baby geese are just not staying in the proper line-up position ))))1Best wishes on speedy recovery -- one of mine took a while to recover fully but vision was so much better when I did! Take care, don't overdo. Let Charlie entertain you while you rest ))

  7. Thank you everyone for the well wishes and encouragement.


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