May 14, 2024

Flowers in My Backyard

Wordless Wednesday on Tuesday / Treasures / Garden Affair


  1. ...Linda, you have a lovely assortment.

  2. Very beautiful Linda! Have a nice day!

  3. This all looks very wonderful, Teresa, and makes me happy. I think of you and hope that you are recovering well and are able to get out into your garden again. Con mucho cariƱo - David

  4. Beautiful flowers and lovely photos Linda :) I read David's comment. Have you been ill? I'm so sorry, I need to catch up on your posts.

  5. Such pretty flowers...though I only knew two names. But beauty doesn't need a name, does it?

  6. Beautiful array of booms, Bleeding heart is one of my favorite plant. Thanks for sharing with Garden Affair.


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