April 29, 2024

Eatery Murals in Staunton

The town of Staunton is known for its historic district and its public art.

This mural at Marino’s Lunch was photographed by my older daughter, Lynn. The blue mountains behind the musicians are a reference to the nearby Appalachians.

The second photo is one that I took, but regrettably the flowery painting is partially blocked by the red patio umbrellas. I did not take notes, but I believe this is Chicano Boy Taco. Their website shows that their other location has a spectacular mural inside.

Monday Murals

Note on Photos Hacks: I used the Photos App on my iPhone to find the location and name of the taco shop. When you view a photo in it, there’s a little circle around the letter i.  Pressing it can bring up useful information including a map.

I used the same app to straighten and crop these pictures. Taking a cell phone picture from a parked car is not ideal, and buildings tend to have exaggerated slants in phone pictures anyway. That app does a good job, and if it’s not enough, I have an app called SKRWT that can correct for distracting angles or parallax.


  1. Great to know about the i on my photos, if ever I don't know where I was when I took them. And it worked well for you to get the name of the Taco restaurant.

  2. Both great murals!
    Have a wonderful week!

  3. ...I used Google Lens and found both of these murals.

  4. Beautiful photography, especially the first, wonderful.

  5. Cool the way they coordinated the table seating with the mural

  6. Thanks for sharing the photos and that cool app.

  7. I love a good mural! They always improve a building. Thanks for coming by my blog today and leaving a comment!

  8. I like both murals, but the favourite is the mountain one. Thanks for participating in Monday Murals Linda.

  9. Hi, Linda. I love murals, so I enjoyed seeing the two you shared. And thanks for the info about the circled I on my iPhone. I hadn't even seen it before. I have a similar one on iPhoto on my computer. I love maps, and I enjoy having exact info about my photos. I'll be playing with my phone one for sure! Take care!


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