March 16, 2024

St. Patrick’s Silliness and Other Critters

Today we begin and end with some St. Patrick's Day stickers. I found them on Picsart when I was adding a filter to a picture of Charlie.

 I don’t usually do much for St. Patrick’s Day. My DNA shows that my ancestry is 68% British and Irish, I don’t put much stock in that because those reports can change over time as more data is collected from people in different countries, and let’s face it, humans have always migrated around from one place to another.

Speaking of Charlie, here he is with a new friend at the dog park. His name is Cotton and his breed is Coton de Tulear. I recognized the breed because they have recently become popular, and Charlie has three friends who look like that: Coco, Chuck, and Beth’s dog. Sorry I don’t remember her dog’s name, but he lives across the street. I suspect that Coco was acquired because the little neighbor boy wanted one that looked like Beth’s dog. They are really cute and sweet! The third dog, Chuck, sometimes walks down our street with his mom when she visits her mom. He’s friendly, and Charlie is always thrilled to see him.

We also saw Sadie at the dog park, so Charlie was quite happy. Another thing we did today was make a brief stop at a winery where there was a event called “Festival of Wool.” I saw a fine-looking sheep.

There was a contest going on to try to break the record for how many sweaters a person could put on at one time. When I passed by, she had about 40 sweaters on.

As promised, I have one more picture that I created using Picsart. This is a new critter to me. 😉 


  1. Amazing that someone can wear 40 sweaters!! Have a beautiful week!

  2. Looks to me like Charlie is smitten.

  3. Hello,
    Cute photos of Charlie and Cotton. I like the cute sheep too. Happy St. Patrick's Day. Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Take care, enjoy your day and have a great week ahead. PS, thank you for leaving me a comment.

  4. We love seeing how Charlie has so many furriends - both woofies and others.

  5. Charlie sure has a lot of friends! There is no way I could participate in that sweater contest; I get claustrophobic if I put more than two on!

  6. Interesting and cute new breed of dog, to me anyway. Hope they are well loved, and by the looks of all your neighbors, I guess they must be. So glad Charlie has different friends!

  7. I like your Lepricorn. Happy Saint Patrick’s Day!
    best, mae at

  8. That fluffy white dog is cute -- a worthy friend for Charlie! I'd not heard of the breed.


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