March 14, 2024

Skywatch, After the Time Change

Daylight Saving Time began on Sunday here. So even though Charlie is still waking up at the crack of dawn, at least the clock says it is later.

View from Morning Stroll for Skywatch

Today we had a gorgeous sunset, but I was driving on the interstate and couldn’t take a picture. I do have a picture from a little earlier, taken through a side window while I was stopped at a red light. I cropped it because there were so many electric wires at the top.
Water H2O Thursday


  1. The fountain is looking so pretty

  2. Beautiful sky capture, love the pond and fountain too.
    Take care, enjoy your day and your weekend.!

  3. Charlie is the smart one and operates on a natural cycle and not one imposed by a human clock.

  4. ...I enjoy the added daylight at the end of the day.

  5. Beautiful photo, I loved the fountain. Have a nice weekend.

  6. Pretty skies. I am enjoying the extra light at the end of the day!

  7. It may not have been the best one of the day but I still enjoyed your sunset picture with the contrails. Animals really do have the right idea - no time changes. I can certainly understand dogs having to get used to the change in their schedule. Alana ramblinwitham

  8. Beautiful shots, I used to use primarily a small point and shoot camera for driving shots and you could take photos without looking and by just pressing a button. Phones are not as handy at that.
    For a long time (longer than a year maybe two years) I had to keep a chrome browser open for some blogger blogs, like yours. This is two weeks in a row that Edge hasn't thrown a fit about your blogging and giving me the danger will robinson routine

  9. My original comment included some remarks about how suddenly Edge and Norton were playing well with your blog two weeks in a row now but when I hit the "Publish" Button they blew up at me again. So I am back in Chrome to comment on your post. Computers and software are so weird and annoying.

    1. They really are. There are a couple of blogs that I have to use Chrome to even see the comments.


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