March 12, 2024

New Business, Old Business

There’s a new gas station/convenience store on Front Royal Road in Strasburg. The location actually was at Valero service station at one time, but it was closed for years. The new owner has completely remodeled it so that it is sparkling clean and pleasant. They sell coffee and pizza, and you can sit at a table and admire the view of Signal Knob. 

Meanwhile, a large building in Sperryville is ready for retail tenants. It was the home of River District Arts until 2016 and then sat vacant. Originally it was a processing plant for apple products.

On the day that I drove to Sperryville, I first went to Front Royal. I drove down a side street and saw this sad Victorian building. As you can see, a fire damaged at beyond repair. 

Tuesday Treasures


  1. Nice photos . A similar to the wonderful old building exists in Thessaloniki but renovated.

  2. It is nice to see the new businesses. That old house looks haunted. Take care, enjoy your day!

  3. ...oh, the poor old dear!

  4. Good to see new businesses and buildings...though the architecture in the last shot is much more pleasing. There's much left of the structure, too bad they aren't saving it.

  5. Oh gosh, those poor people who lost their home. Such a beautiful one too as I can just imagine what it looked like before. For the old market building, I hope the new tenants treat it well. Nice to see the renovation on the old gas station at least.

  6. I like that dark blue in the first building.


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