March 30, 2024

Cows, Charlie, Bunny

My town is in the Shenandoah Valley, and there are farms nearby. The cows in the first picture are just outside of town. The second picture is from the county park at Maurertown, and there is a farm adjacent to it.

Since I suspect that some people look at my Saturday posts in orders to see pictures of Charlie, here he is.

Today’s final pictures are computer-generated bunnies. Even though I’ve got a blog now for my AI images, I’ll post some that are seasonal. Tomorrow is Easter, and somehow our culture has associated bunny rabbits with that day. I think it has to do with springtime and the seasonal bursting forth of life. 


  1. I love the pictures of cows eating in the pasture they are such calm animals!! Happy Easter 🥚🌷🌼!

  2. The last pic is so supercute

  3. I love the scenes with the cows. Charlie looks cute, as always. Happy Easter to you and your family!
    Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Take care, enjoy your day and have a great new week! PS, thank you for leaving me a comment.

  4. Charlie’s looks healthy and happy - and that’s a tribute to you, Linda.

  5. Hello Linda :=)
    Lovely pastoral scenes, and I would have missed seeing Charlie if you hadn't shared his picture, he has a darling face, and I enjoyed your post, bunnies and all.
    Happy Easter to you and your family.

  6. That look on Charlie's face is, somehow, unfathomable - but adorable!
    Happy Easter.

  7. I'm thinking Charlie just might not like the competition of cows and bunnies...but he's number one in my heart!

  8. Ah well, we do love Charlie, what a cute expression ;) I always enjoy all the pictures you share. Glad to see you are still sharing your AI pictures. Very nice! I'm enjoying creating mine too and will have them up every now and again.

  9. Always nice to see cows and love the picture of Charlie.

    All the best Jan

  10. I wonder what Charlie thinks of cows.


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